Wednesday, June 17, 2015

15 June 2015 - Lost Hills to San Francisco via Watsonville

I don't remember which if the following photos was before or after Watsonville.

Brown, tan, brown, tan and more tan. Much of my California journey has been tan. Apparently this is the result of the drought.

The sign at a very nice rest area on the 5. They had large plaques which told the history of the valley. The angle of the sun prevented me from photographing them.

There was a dust cloud as I got close to the more fertile regions.

These rows of flowers were everywhere in California, usually leading into town or lining the roadway in town.

One of many winerys.

There were several fields that were full of wells and most were pumping.

Then the grapevines started.

The valley landscape changed from brown to mostly green.

Grapevines under these structures that could hold covers.

These were covered.

Every field that had workers had a school bus type vehicle and portapotties. I couldn't get a photo of the people working in the fields because there weren't many yet. Watching them bent over made my back hurt. What strong people! How many "Americans" would do that back breaking work?

Some crops and a few vineyards used sprinklers.

These are tomatoes. Yes, most are green. Not appetizing.

And then we have Watsonville. All Saints and Cristo Rey are in the same building. Their priest is bilingual and is working on merging the two congregation. They have a large amount of property as you can see.

The organ is a two manual Möller.

This long building houses the offices, the parish hall and kitchen, a youth room, AA,

1 comment:

Lindy said...

Great photos, Shell. I am enjoying your trip.